Cristi Proiectare și Consultanță

Oferim servicii de topografie, cadastru și proiectare, specializându-ne în soluții pentru clienți din județul Bistrița-Năsăud.

An aerial view of a landscape featuring a mix of grassy fields, winding waterways, and patches of greenery. A small, possibly man-made structure is nestled within the trees on the lower end of the field, surrounded by dense vegetation. The terrain shows signs of natural wear, likely due to water erosion, creating intricate patterns.
An aerial view of a landscape featuring a mix of grassy fields, winding waterways, and patches of greenery. A small, possibly man-made structure is nestled within the trees on the lower end of the field, surrounded by dense vegetation. The terrain shows signs of natural wear, likely due to water erosion, creating intricate patterns.
Aerial view of a hilly landscape with terraced fields. The terraces appear to be used for agriculture, likely farming or vineyards. The terrain is a mix of green vegetation and areas turning orange or yellow, indicating possibly the change of seasons. There are pathways cutting through the terraces, and the entire scene is bathed in warm sunlight, creating distinct shadows and highlights.
Aerial view of a hilly landscape with terraced fields. The terraces appear to be used for agriculture, likely farming or vineyards. The terrain is a mix of green vegetation and areas turning orange or yellow, indicating possibly the change of seasons. There are pathways cutting through the terraces, and the entire scene is bathed in warm sunlight, creating distinct shadows and highlights.
An aerial view of a landscape depicting a patchwork of rectangular fields and farmland. Roads and small clusters of buildings are interspersed throughout the area. The horizon shows a dense collection of structures indicating a more urban area. The image is in black and white, with various shades of gray highlighting the contrast between different plots of land and structures.
An aerial view of a landscape depicting a patchwork of rectangular fields and farmland. Roads and small clusters of buildings are interspersed throughout the area. The horizon shows a dense collection of structures indicating a more urban area. The image is in black and white, with various shades of gray highlighting the contrast between different plots of land and structures.

Despre noi

Echipa noastră oferă expertiză în intabulări, delimitări, măsurători și proiectare pentru construcții civile, industriale și agricole.

Locație Servicii

Cristi Proiectare și Consultanță SRL oferă servicii de cadastru și topografie în județul Bistrița-Năsăud, pentru clienți din diverse domenii.


Numarul 1183


Luni - Vineri

Serviciile oferite de Cristi Proiectare sunt excelente, rapide și profesionale. Recomand cu încredere!

Ion Popescu

A hilly landscape featuring densely packed buildings on a slope with some construction in progress. Radio towers protrude from the top of the hill, and trees are spread across the area. In the distance, layers of rolling hills and mountains are partly covered with mist. The overcast sky adds a muted atmosphere to the scene.
A hilly landscape featuring densely packed buildings on a slope with some construction in progress. Radio towers protrude from the top of the hill, and trees are spread across the area. In the distance, layers of rolling hills and mountains are partly covered with mist. The overcast sky adds a muted atmosphere to the scene.
An aerial view of a semi-urban area with planned plots. There are scattered houses, green agricultural fields, and winding roads. Surrounding the development are hills with sparse vegetation.
An aerial view of a semi-urban area with planned plots. There are scattered houses, green agricultural fields, and winding roads. Surrounding the development are hills with sparse vegetation.
